Solo exhibition

Documenting 20 woman whilst learning to love their new bodies, in the midst of ageing & giving life to a new human. Throughout this time, questioning what is considered beautiful, normal and/or important became more and more prevalent to the artist. Defying what is set forth by mainstream media, associating a woman’s relationship with her body with positive free expression and compassionate self worth can be considered an act of radical self love.



Solo exhibition March 2024 at Agweres Mezzanine, Newquay.

The birth of the project flourished as a result of a disconnect with her body through its’ changes during and after pregnancy. Changing shapes, moving differently, learning to love the new body, in the midst of giving life to a new human. Throughout this time, questioning what is considered beautiful, normal and/or important became more and more prevalent to the artist. Defying what is set forth by mainstream media, associating a woman’s relationship with her body with positive free expression and compassionate self worth can be considered an act of radical self love.

Opening conversations about this topic with friends allowed for this project to naturally unravel and blossom. Women - albeit sometimes hesitant to admit it - want to be seen; they want to explore beyond their comfort zones; expose and embrace the parts of themselves they have, perhaps subconsciously, been hiding. Creating a safe and trusting environment is a key element in allowing a free flow of connection between photographer and subject.

This is why each series takes place in the woman’s home, most frequently starting in the most intimate and private place - the bedroom. The bedroom, over the course of our lives, takes on various forms. From puberty, where it is a safe haven for expression, to a space of sexual exploration, rest and/or comfort in the diverse stages of adulthood. Allowing this open discourse aids in starting the voyage into deeper connection with the self and the body, giving women a glimpse, or perhaps a start into a new chapter of newly realised self worth.

Rosie is always open to new collaborations, so should you feel the call, do send a DM / email or call.



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